AWP 2016, Los Angeles

So excited to join these talented folks (Bianca Stone, Alex Rothman, and Gabrielle Bates) on "The Poetry of Comics" Panel, moderated by Erica Trabold at AWP 2016 this year.
The Poetry of Comics
Thursday, March 31 12:00pm-1:15pm
Room 411, LA Convention Center, Meeting Room Level
The combination of text and image holds the power to create indivisible meaning on the page. Just as poets ground their work in the arrangement of words, ordered by such elements as sound or sense, most cartoonist-poets gravitate toward comics’ foundational device of juxtaposition. The tradition of comics has created generous, exciting spaces for the poetic, lyric, and hybrid. In this panel, artists showcase and read from works that live at the intersection of the visual and the poetic.